Manual fire fighting system by hydrants

The application of the manual fire-fighting system by hydrants is necessary for fire protection in buildings with different purposes, such as commercial buildings, logistics centers, warehouses, industries, shopping malls, cinemas, hospitals, among others.

SMH SISTEMAS prepares specific projects for fire protection taking into account the various risks for new systems or retrofit of existing systems and, based on the developed project, provides certified high quality equipment.

Fire-fighting systems using hydrants designed and installed by SMH SISTEMAS fully comply with the standards of ABNT – Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, NFPA – National Fire Protection Association and Technical Instructions of the Fire Department.

Hydrants Fire System is Composed of:


  • Single or double metal shelters.
  • 21/2 x 45 degree angle globe valves.
  • Storz adapters, keys and other accessories.
  • Synthetic hoses of 15 or 30 meters.
  • Fog or solid jet nozzles.

Hydrant Fire System Infrastructure:

  • Water supply infrastructure consist of carbon steel pipes calculated in the appropriate diameters to meet the flow and pressure required for each project.
  • Pressure and flow of the systems are guaranteed by the installation of a set of electric motor pumps, diesel and automated jockey.
  • Water reserve must be exclusive and meet the recommendations of the ABNT, NFPA and local Fire Department standards.
  • The equipment used in hydrant networks meet the recommendations of the Brazilian Standards and are certified by Inmetro and ABNT.


SMH Sistemas® serves the entire national territory with its own highly specialized team.